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Setting up HTB on CentOS 6

Setting up HTB on CentOS 6

The Hierarchical Token Bucket Quality of Service (HTB QoS) system is a great tool to use for controlling the bandwidth of a network link, especially when you have a bunch of doggs on your network that love to use up all the internets they can get! Lets take a look at a quick and simple […]

Creating a Google Pie Chart using SQL da...

Creating a Google Pie Chart using SQL data

Recently I was asked to create a webpage to summarize some data from a MySQL database for analysis. Creating webpages and running SQL queries isn’t something that I do on a regular basis; I mostly administrate the servers that these services run on. But I figured, why not?! I’m familiar with all of this stuff. […]

Installing PS3 Media Server on CentOS 6

Installing PS3 Media Server on CentOS 6

So after recently rebuilding one of the servers in my dogghouse, I realized that I hadn’t installed a uPNP/DLNA AV media server. Previously I had been using Fuppes, but the lack of active development and some other quirks made me re-think what I wanted to use. So, after comparing available packages, I decided to give […]